#!/usr/bin/env node
///<reference path="./cli.d.js" />
/* eslint-disable no-console */
import { Command, Option } from 'commander/esm.mjs';
import fairu from '@appku/fairu';
import path from 'path';
import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import RequestProcessor from './processors/request-processor.js';
const __dirname = (
process.platform === 'win32' ?
path.dirname(decodeURI(new URL(import.meta.url).pathname)).substring(1) :
path.dirname(decodeURI(new URL(import.meta.url).pathname))
* @typedef MainState
* @property {{stashKu:String, stashKuLog: String, stashKuCLI:String}} versions
* @property {CLI.CommandLineOptions} opts
* @property {*} args
class Main {
* Constructs the `Main` class and initializes the command line parsing and execution.
constructor() {
* @type {Command}
this.cmd = null;
* @type {MainState}
this.state = null;
this.initialize(); //configure stashku cli
this.cmd.parse(); //process CLI
* Sets up the inital state of the CLI (Main) - configures the command-line options and commands and
* binds to the handlers.
* @private
initialize() {
this.cmd = new Command();
this.state = {
args: Array.from(process.argv)
//get package.json
let pkg = fairu.packageJSON(path.join(__dirname, '..'));
//setup CLI
.version(`StashKu: v-${pkg.version}`)
.option('-e, --env <filepath>', 'Specify a .env file to load. This .env will be loaded instead of any .env in the current working directory.')
.option('-E, --engine <engine>', 'The engine used by the CLI. Built-in engines are: "fetch" and "memory", you can specify the package name of an engine that is installed as well.')
.option('-q, --quiet', 'Do not output status information to the console.')
.option('-v, --verbose', 'Output extra details & logs about the command being executed.')
.addOption(new Option('--format <format>', 'Defines the format of the resulting data when converted to a string.').default('json').choices(['json', 'yaml', 'toml']))
.option('--test, --samples', 'Use the in-memory engine preloaded with a "themes" and "products" resources for testing.')
// this.cmd
// .command('utility').description('Starts a browser-based utility to validate models and try out various StashKu requests.')
// .option('-p, --port <port>', 'Sets the port number the utility will start on.')
// .action(this.utility.bind(this));
.command('get').description('Runs a GET request on the target resource, or from a request definition file, and then optionally saves the results to file.')
.argument('<resource|requestFile|listingFile>', 'The name of the resource being targetted in the request, a path to a file containing a saved options request, or a path to a JSON file with an array of resources to be optioned (multiple requests).')
.option('-w, --where <filter>', 'Specify a StashKu compatable filter string to utilize as a where-clause for the get query.')
.option('-s, --skip <skip>', 'Skip over a number of records.', parseInt)
.option('-t, --take <take>', 'Take only the first number of records.', parseInt)
.option('-p, --prop, --property <properties...>', 'Retrieve only the specified properties.')
.option('-d, --distinct', 'Retrieve only distinct (unique) results.')
.option('-c, --count', 'Retrieve the count of records only (no data records).')
.option('-sb, --sort-by <sorts>', 'List of properties to sort by. You can specify a direction after each property name (e.g. "-sb {FirstName} desc, {LastName} asc").')
.option('--save <filepath>', 'Saves the GET request to file. You can re-use these request files in place of the resource (see: <requestFile>).')
.option('-O, --output <outputpath>', 'Saves the engine response to the specified file.')
'Runs an OPTIONS request to export a resource\'s model type. ' +
'You can optionally specify an --export (-x) option to generate JavaScript model files into a target directory.\n\n' +
'Example:\n' +
'Run a "*" options request on the testing (in-memory engine) with verbose (-v) output and send generated classes to console (--dry-run).\n' +
'> stashku -v --test options --dry-run "*"\n\n' +
'Example:\n' +
'Run a request on a specific resource and export to a "models" directory.\n' +
'> stashku options dbo.Contacts -x ./models'
.argument('<resource|requestFile|listingFile|"*">', 'The name of the resource being targetted in the request, a path to a file containing a saved options request, a path to a JSON file with an array of resources to be optioned (multiple requests), or a value "*" (use quotes) to target all resources in the request.')
.option('--dry-run', 'Perform a dry-run of an export. Instead of writing files or creating directories directories, the generated files will be written to the console.')
.option('--save <filepath>', 'Saves the OPTIONS request to file. You can re-use these request files in place of the resource (see: <requestFile>).')
.option('-O, --output <outputpath>', 'Saves the engine response to the specified file.')
.option('-x, --export <exportPath>', 'Generates base and extending JavaScript classes around the resulting OPTIONS response and writes them to a folder. If the extending class is already present, it is not overwritten, however, the base class is always written to a base/ subdirectory.')
.option('-f, --force', 'Combined with the -x,--export option. Forces the overwrite of the extending JavaScript model class file.')
// .option('-r, --remove', 'Combined with the -x,--export option. Removes any base-models and extending models not explicitly returned from the options request. Only class-based models *.js files that appear to extend a "Base*Model" class are removed.')
// .option('--rebuild', 'Combined with the -x,--export option. Completely remove all *.js files in the target directory before writing models.')
* Configures the state of Main based on the environment and command-line options. This should be called before
* starting a processor to carry out work.
* @protected
async configure() {
this.state.opts = this.cmd.opts();
let pathStates = await fairu.with(p => this.state.opts.env ?? p.join(process.cwd(), '.env'))
if (pathStates.length && pathStates[0].stats) {
if (pathStates[0].stats.isDirectory()) {
throw new Error(`The target .env file "${pathStates[0].path}" is a directory.`);
} else {
dotenv.config({ path: pathStates[0].path });
if (!this.state.opts.quiet && this.state.opts.verbose) {
console.debug(`Loaded .env from "${pathStates[0].path}" OK.`);
} else {
if (!this.state.opts.quiet && this.state.opts.verbose) {
console.debug(`The target .env file "${pathStates[0].path}" was not found.`);
* Runs a StashKu RESTful GET request and outputs the results to file or console.
* @param {String} resource - The name of the target resource in the StashKu resource.
* @param {CLI.GetCommandLineOptions | CLI.OptionsCommandLineOptions} [options] - The CLI options specified in object format.
* @param {*} command - The CLI command that is being run.
async request(resource, options, command) {
let processor = null;
try {
//load environment
await this.configure();
//run processor
let workerOptions = Object.assign({}, options);
workerOptions.method = command.name();
workerOptions.resource = resource;
workerOptions.cli = this.cmd.opts();
if (!workerOptions.cli.engine) {
workerOptions.cli.engine = process.env.STASHKU_ENGINE;
//run the processor
processor = new RequestProcessor(workerOptions);
//start worker
if (!this.state.opts.quiet && this.state.opts.verbose) {
console.debug(`Starting the "${processor.constructor.name}" with options:`, processor.options);
await processor.start();
if (!this.state.opts.quiet && this.state.opts.verbose) {
} catch (err) {
if (this.state.opts.verbose) {
throw err;
} else {
console.error(`Error: ${err.message}`);
} finally {
if (processor && processor.stash) {
await processor.stash.destroy();
* Runs a local http server that provides a browser-based utility for testing models trying out StashKu requests.
* @param {String} resource - The name of the target resource in the StashKu resource.
* @param {CLI.GetCommandLineOptions | CLI.OptionsCommandLineOptions} [options] - The CLI options specified in object format.
* @param {*} command - The CLI command that is being run.
async utility(options, command) {
let processor = null;
try {
//load environment
await this.configure();
//run processor
} catch (err) {
if (this.state.opts.verbose) {
throw err;
} else {
console.error(`Error: ${err.message}`);
} finally {
if (processor && processor.stash) {
await processor.stash.destroy();
export default new Main();