/* eslint-disable no-console */
import dot from 'dot';
import OptionsRequest from '../requests/options-request.js';
import Response from '../response.js';
import ModelUtility from '../modeling/model-utility.js';
import StringUtility from '../utilities/string-utility.js';
import fairu from '@appku/fairu';
import path from 'path';
const __dirname = (
process.platform === 'win32' ?
path.dirname(decodeURI(new URL(import.meta.url).pathname)).substring(1) :
path.dirname(decodeURI(new URL(import.meta.url).pathname))
dot.templateSettings.strip = false;
dot.log = false; //disable console output
const dots = dot.process({ path: path.resolve(__dirname, './templates') });
* Class that is responsible for exporting the `Response` to an StashKu `OptionsRequest`.
class OptionsExporter {
* Creates an instance of the `OptionsExporter` class.
constructor() { }
* @param {Response} optionsResponse - The response to an `OptionsRequest`.
* @param {{dirPath: String, overwrite: Boolean}} [outputConfig] - Configuration options for writing results to
* a directory.
* @returns {Map.<String, {base: String, extending: String}>}
async export(optionsResponse, outputConfig) {
let mapping = new Map();
if (optionsResponse.returned > 0) {
for (let mt of optionsResponse.data) {
let blueprint = {
name: mt.name,
slug: mt?.$stashku?.slug || StringUtility.slugify(mt.name, '-', true, true),
config: mt.$stashku,
timestamp: new Date(),
resource: mt.$stashku.resource,
mapping: ModelUtility.map(mt),
toJavaScriptString: this.toJavaScriptString,
makePropertyJSDoc: this.makePropertyJSDoc,
toJavascriptPropertyDefaultReference: this.toJavascriptPropertyDefaultReference
let baseModelContent = dots['base-typed-model'](blueprint);
let anyModelContent = dots['model']();
let extModelContent = dots['typed-model'](blueprint);
mapping.set(mt.$stashku.resource, {
base: baseModelContent,
extending: extModelContent
if (outputConfig && outputConfig.dirPath) {
await fairu
.with(p => p.join(outputConfig.dirPath, 'base/', `base-${blueprint.slug}.js`))
await fairu
.with(p => p.join(outputConfig.dirPath, 'base/', 'model.js'))
.when((ps) => outputConfig.overwrite || ps.exists === false)
await fairu
.with(p => p.join(outputConfig.dirPath, `${blueprint.slug}.js`))
.when((ps) => outputConfig.overwrite || ps.exists === false)
await fairu.cp(path.join(__dirname, '../modeling/modeling.d.js'), path.join(outputConfig.dirPath, 'base/', 'modeling.d.js'));
return mapping;
* Converts a supported StashKu model property value to a string representation.
* @param {*} value - The value to be converted to a string.
* @param {Number} [indentLevel=0] - The level of indent applied to contents (4-spaces per level).
* @param {Boolean} [indentFirstLine=false] - Enable or disable indenting the first line of the returned string.
* @returns {String}
toJavaScriptString(value, indentLevel = 0, indentFirstLine = false) {
let indent = ' ';
let indentRoot = indent.repeat(indentLevel);
let valueType = typeof value;
let output = (indentFirstLine ? indentRoot : '');
let parents = arguments[3] || [];
//prevent circular values by forcing a null result
if (parents && value && parents.some(a => a === value)) {
output += 'null';
} else {
if (value && value.constructor === Object) {
let keys = Object.keys(value);
if (keys.length > 0) {
output += '{';
for (let ki = 0; ki < keys.length; ki++) {
output += `\n${indentRoot}${indent}${keys[ki]}: ${this.toJavaScriptString(value[keys[ki]], indentLevel + 1, false, parents)}`;
if (ki < keys.length - 1) {
output += ',';
output += `\n${indentRoot}}`;
} else {
output += '{}';
} else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
if (value.length > 0) {
output += '[';
for (let iv = 0; iv < value.length; iv++) {
output += `\n${this.toJavaScriptString(value[iv], indentLevel + 1, true, parents)}`;
if (iv < value.length - 1) {
output += ',';
output += `\n${indentRoot}]`;
} else {
output += '[]';
} else if (valueType === 'undefined') {
output += valueType;
} else if (value === null) {
output += 'null';
} else if (value === NaN) { // eslint-disable-line use-isnan
output += 'NaN';
} else if (valueType === 'boolean' || valueType === 'number') {
output += value.toString();
} else if (valueType === 'string') {
output += `'${value}'`;
} else if (value instanceof Date) {
output += `new Date('${value.toISOString()}')`;
} else if (value instanceof Buffer) {
if (value.byteLength) {
output += `Buffer.from('${value.toString('base64')}', 'base64')`;
} else {
output += 'Buffer.alloc(0)';
} else if (valueType === 'function') {
output += StringUtility.indent(value.toString(), 1, null, indentRoot);
return output;
* Creates a string representation of the property definition object.
* @param {String} property - The property name.
* @param {Modeling.PropertyDefinition} definition - The property definition object.
* @param {Number} [indentLevel=0] - The level of indent applied to contents (4-spaces per level).
* @param {Boolean} [indentFirstLine=false] - Enable or disable indenting the first line of the returned string.
* @returns {String}
makePropertyJSDoc(property, definition, indentLevel = 0, indentFirstLine = false) {
let indent = ' ';
let indentRoot = indent.repeat(indentLevel);
let output = (indentFirstLine ? indentRoot + '/**' : '/**');
if (definition.precision) {
output += (output ? '\n' + indentRoot : '') + ` * The precision (max. amount of numbers) is ${definition.precision}.`;
if (typeof definition.radix !== 'undefined' && definition.radix !== null) {
output += (output ? '\n' + indentRoot : '') + ` * The number of decimal places is set to ${definition.radix}.`;
if (typeof definition.charLength !== 'undefined' && definition.charLength !== null) {
output += (output ? '\n' + indentRoot : '') + ` * Maximum character length in data storage: ${definition.charLength}.`;
if (definition.pk === true) {
output += (output ? '\n' + indentRoot : '') + ' * This is a primary-key property (it helps uniquely identify a model).';
//determine type
output += (output ? '\n' + indentRoot : '') + ` * @type {${definition.type}}`;
return `${output}\n${indentRoot} */`;
* Creates a string representation of the property definition object.
* @param {String} className - The name of the model class.
* @param {String} propertyName - The name of the property we are creating a default value for.
* @param {Modeling.PropertyDefinition} definition - The StashKu property definition.
* @returns {String}
toJavascriptPropertyDefaultReference(className, propertyName, definition) {
let defaultType = typeof definition.default;
if (!className) {
className = 'this.constructor';
if (defaultType === 'function') {
return `${className}.${propertyName}.default()`;
return `${className}.${propertyName}.default`;
export default OptionsExporter;