import DeleteRequest from '../requests/delete-request.js';
import GetRequest from '../requests/get-request.js';
import OptionsRequest from '../requests/options-request.js';
import PatchRequest from '../requests/patch-request.js';
import PostRequest from '../requests/post-request.js';
import PutRequest from '../requests/put-request.js';
import Response from '../response.js';
import RESTError from '../rest-error.js';
import Filter from '../filter.js';
import Logger from '../logger.js';
import ModelGenerator from '../modeling/model-generator.js';
import BaseEngine from './base-engine.js';
import Sort from '../sort.js';
const IS_BROWSER = !(typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.version);
let GlobalFetch = null;
let GlobalFetchHeaders = null;
/* istanbul ignore next */
const lazyLoadGlobalFetch = async () => {
if (!GlobalFetch) {
GlobalFetch = window.fetch; // eslint-disable-line no-undef
GlobalFetchHeaders = window.Headers; // eslint-disable-line no-undef
} else if (typeof fetch !== 'undefined' && Headers) { // eslint-disable-line no-undef
GlobalFetch = fetch; // eslint-disable-line no-undef
GlobalFetchHeaders = Headers; // eslint-disable-line no-undef
} else {
let pkg = 'node-fetch'; //set import package as variable, so compilers like esbuild ignore the next line.
let module = await import(/* webpackIgnore: true */ pkg);
GlobalFetchHeaders = module.Headers;
GlobalFetch = module.default;
* @typedef FetchEngine.ModelConfiguration
* @property {String} [pathProperty="resource"] - Instructs StashKu which property from the `$stashku` object on
* a model type to populate the resource (`to` or `from`) on a request. Can be `"name"`, `"slug"`, `""`,
* `"plural.slug"`, or `"resource"` (default).
* @property {Boolean} [header=false] - Determines whether the fetch request to the HTTP endpoint will include the
* model header when `STASHKU_MODEL_HEADER` is enabled. By default this is disabled and the header `model` property
* will *not* be sent. Setting this flag to `true` will forward the `model` header of the StashKu request.
* @typedef FetchEngine.Configuration
* @property {String} [root] - The root URI of each fetch request. If specified, will be prefixed to each resource.
* @property {String} [path="/api"] - The path to the URI endpoint. This is prefixed before each resource, but after
* the `root` (if specified).
* @property {Boolean} [trailingSlash=false] - Sets whether a slash will be added at the end of the generated URI.
* @property {Boolean} [omitResource=false] - Omits `to` and `from` properties and values from the request payload
* sent over fetch. This may help force endpoints to ensure the resource is determined on their end instead of by
* the requestor.
* @property {FetchEngine.ModelConfiguration} [model]
* @property {RequestInit} [fetch] - Optional fetch defaults to apply before request-specific configuration is set.
* This StashKu engine is built-in and provides an engine to make requests to HTTP endpoints using `fetch`. Requests
* correspond to their HTTP request method.
class FetchEngine extends BaseEngine {
* Creates a new `FetchEngine` instance.
constructor() {
* @type {Map.<String, Array>}
*/ = new Map();
* @type {FetchEngine.Configuration}
this.config = {
root: null,
path: null,
trailingSlash: false,
omitResource: false
* @inheritdoc
* @param {FetchEngine.Configuration} config - The configuration object for the storage engine.
configure(config) {
let defaults = {
root: null,
path: null,
trailingSlash: false
let modelDefaults = {
header: false,
pathProperty: 'resource'
if (IS_BROWSER === false || (typeof process !== 'undefined' && typeof process.env === 'object')) {
if (typeof process.env.STASHKU_FETCH_ROOT === 'string') {
defaults.root = process.env.STASHKU_FETCH_ROOT;
if (typeof process.env.STASHKU_FETCH_PATH === 'string') {
defaults.path = process.env.STASHKU_FETCH_PATH;
if (typeof process.env.STASHKU_FETCH_TRAILING_SLASH === 'string') {
defaults.trailingSlash = !!process.env.STASHKU_FETCH_TRAILING_SLASH.match(/^[tTyY1]/);
if (typeof process.env.STASHKU_FETCH_OMIT_RESOURCE === 'string') {
defaults.omitResource = !!process.env.STASHKU_FETCH_OMIT_RESOURCE.match(/^[tTyY1]/);
if (typeof process.env.STASHKU_FETCH_MODEL_HEADER === 'string') {
modelDefaults.header = !!process.env.STASHKU_FETCH_MODEL_HEADER.match(/^[tTyY1]/);
if (typeof process.env.STASHKU_FETCH_MODEL_PATH_PROPERTY === 'string') {
modelDefaults.pathProperty = process.env.STASHKU_FETCH_MODEL_PATH_PROPERTY;
defaults = Object.assign(defaults, config);
defaults.model = Object.assign({}, modelDefaults, defaults.model);
//validate config
if (this.config?.model?.pathProperty && ['resource', 'name', 'slug', '', 'plural.slug'].indexOf(this.config.model.pathProperty) < 0) {
throw new Error(`Invalid "model.pathProperty" configuration value "${this.config?.model?.pathProperty}". The value must be "resource", "name", "slug", "", or "plural.slug".`);
this.config = defaults;
* Serializes the given object into a query paramater (URL) string.
* @param {*} obj - The object to be serialized
* @param {String} [prefix] - When traversing an object, assign this prefix of the prior object key (recursive).
* @returns {String}
* @private
_paramSerialize(obj, prefix) {
let str = [], p;
for (p in obj) {
if (typeof obj[p] !== 'undefined') {
let k = prefix ? prefix + '[' + p + ']' : p,
v = obj[p];
if (v !== null && typeof v === 'object') {
if (v instanceof Date) {
str.push(encodeURIComponent(k) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(v.toISOString()));
} else {
str.push(this._paramSerialize(v, k));
} else {
str.push(encodeURIComponent(k) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(v));
if (!str || str.length === 0) {
return null;
return str.join('&');
* Builds the full target URI for the fetch request based on engine settings.
* The resource may be the literal resource target (string) or a model type.
* @throws Error if the resource value is null or undefined.
* @throws Error if a model type was specified but it is missing the resource value under the configured
* resource target.
* @param {String} resourcePath - The resource (path).
* @returns {String}
* @private
_uri(resourcePath) {
if (resourcePath === null || typeof resourcePath === 'undefined') {
resourcePath = '';
let uri = [this.config.root, this.config.path, resourcePath].filter(v => typeof v === 'string').map(function (i) {
return i.replace(/(^\/|\/$)/g, '');
if (this.config.trailingSlash && uri.endsWith('/') === false && uri.indexOf('?') < 0) {
uri += '/';
} else if (this.config.trailingSlash !== true && uri.endsWith('/')) {
uri = uri.substring(0, uri.length - 1);
if (uri.startsWith('/') === false && !this.config.root && !uri.match(/^.+\/\/+/)) {
uri = '/' + uri;
return uri;
* Makes a fetch call to a remote endpoint and returns the response.
* @param {String} resourcePath - The resource (path) to fetch.
* @param {*} data - The data to be sent.
* @param {RequestInit} settings - The `fetch` settings to apply.
* @returns {Promise.<globalThis.Response>}
* @private
async _fetch(resourcePath, data, settings) {
await lazyLoadGlobalFetch();
settings = Object.assign({
method: 'GET',
cache: 'no-cache',
headers: new GlobalFetchHeaders({
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
}, this.config.fetch, settings);
let targetURI = this._uri(resourcePath);
settings.method = settings.method.toUpperCase(); //always upper
if (data) {
if (settings.method === 'GET') {
let params = this._paramSerialize(data);
if (params) {
targetURI += '?' + this._paramSerialize(data);
} else {
if (!settings.headers) {
settings.headers = {};
settings.body = JSON.stringify(data);
let result = null;
try {
result = await GlobalFetch(targetURI, settings);
//check for standard response errors, and throw.
if (!result.ok) {
let payload = await result.json();
if (payload && typeof payload.code === 'number') {
let resError = new RESTError(payload.code, payload.message || `Failed to fetch URI "${targetURI}": ${result.status} ${result.statusText}`); =;
throw resError;
throw new RESTError(result.status, `Failed to fetch URI "${targetURI}": ${result.status} ${result.statusText}`);
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof RESTError) {
throw err;
} else {
throw new RESTError(500, `Failed run fetch for URI "${targetURI}": ${err.message}`, err);
return result;
* Determines the resource path to use for the fetch request.
* @param {DeleteRequest | GetRequest | PatchRequest | PostRequest | PutRequest | OptionsRequest} request - The
* StashKu request to extract the proper resource path from.
* @returns {String}
* @private
_getResourcePath(request) {
let resource = null;
if (this.config.model.pathProperty && request.metadata.headers) {
let modelHeader = request.metadata.headers.get('model');
if (modelHeader) {
switch (this.config.model.pathProperty) {
case 'name': resource =; break;
case 'slug': resource = modelHeader.slug; break;
case '': resource =; break;
case 'plural.slug': resource = modelHeader.plural.slug; break;
if (!resource) {
resource = request.metadata.from ||;
return resource;
* @inheritdoc
* @returns {Promise.<Array.<String>>}
async resources() {
let res = await this._fetch('resources');
let results = await res.json();
* @override
* @param {GetRequest} request - The GET request to send to the storage engine.
* @returns {Promise.<Response>} Returns the data objects from storage matching request criteria.
async get(request) {
await super.get(request);
//make the request, wrap errors in RESTError
let payload = request.toJSON();
let resourcePath = this._getResourcePath(request);
if (!this.config?.model?.header && payload.headers) {
delete payload.headers.model;
if (Object.keys(payload.headers).length === 0) {
delete payload.headers;
if (this.config.omitResource) {
delete payload.from;
let res = await this._fetch(resourcePath, payload);
if (res.ok === false) {
throw new RESTError(res.status, `Error from fetched resource ("${this._uri(resourcePath)}") in "${request.method}" request: ${res.statusText}`);
try {
let payload = await res.json();
return new Response(,, payload.affected, payload.returned, res.status);
} catch (err) {
throw new RESTError(500, `Error attempting to parse fetch response as JSON resource ("${this._uri(resourcePath)}") in "${request.method}" request: ${err.message}`, err);
* @override
* @param {PostRequest} request - The POST request to send to the storage engine.
* @returns {Promise.<Response>} Returns the data objects from storage that were created with the request criteria.
async post(request) {
if (request.metadata.objects && request.metadata.objects.length) {
let payload = request.toJSON();
let resourcePath = this._getResourcePath(request);
if (!this.config?.model?.header && payload.headers) {
delete payload.headers.model;
if (Object.keys(payload.headers).length === 0) {
delete payload.headers;
if (this.config.omitResource) {
//make the request, wrap errors in RESTError
let res = await this._fetch(resourcePath, payload, { method: request.method });
if (res.ok === false) {
throw new RESTError(res.status, `Error from fetched resource ("${this._uri(resourcePath)}") in "${request.method}" request: ${res.statusText}`);
try {
let payload = await res.json();
return new Response(,, payload.affected, payload.returned, res.status);
} catch (err) {
throw new RESTError(500, `Error attempting to parse fetch response as JSON resource ("${this._uri(resourcePath)}") in "${request.method}" request: ${err.message}`, err);
return Response.empty();
* @override
* @param {PutRequest} request - The PUT request to send to the storage engine.
* @returns {Promise.<Response>} Returns the data objects from storage that were updated with the request criteria. This
* *__may not__* exactly match the objects requested to be updated, as some may have been deleted from storage or
* some may not match the key criteria.
async put(request) {
await super.put(request);
if (request.metadata.objects && request.metadata.objects.length) {
let payload = request.toJSON();
let resourcePath = this._getResourcePath(request);
if (!this.config?.model?.header && payload.headers) {
delete payload.headers.model;
if (Object.keys(payload.headers).length === 0) {
delete payload.headers;
if (this.config.omitResource) {
//make the request, wrap errors in RESTError
let res = await this._fetch(resourcePath, payload, { method: request.method });
if (res.ok === false) {
throw new RESTError(res.status, `Error from fetched resource ("${this._uri(resourcePath)}") in "${request.method}" request: ${res.statusText}`);
try {
let payload = await res.json();
return new Response(,, payload.affected, payload.returned, res.status);
} catch (err) {
throw new RESTError(500, `Error attempting to parse fetch response as JSON resource ("${this._uri(resourcePath)}") in "${request.method}" request: ${err.message}`, err);
return Response.empty();
* @override
* @param {PatchRequest} request - The PATCH request to send to the storage engine.
* @returns {Promise.<Response>} Returns a response with the total number of the objects affected in storage. No
* data objects are typically returned with this request.
async patch(request) {
await super.patch(request);
if (request.metadata.template) {
let payload = request.toJSON();
let resourcePath = this._getResourcePath(request);
if (!this.config?.model?.header && payload.headers) {
delete payload.headers.model;
if (Object.keys(payload.headers).length === 0) {
delete payload.headers;
if (this.config.omitResource) {
//make the request, wrap errors in RESTError
let res = await this._fetch(resourcePath, payload, { method: request.method });
if (res.ok === false) {
throw new RESTError(res.status, `Error from fetched resource on path ("${this._uri(resourcePath)}") in "${request.method}" request: ${res.statusText}`);
try {
let payload = await res.json();
return new Response(,, payload.affected, payload.returned, res.status);
} catch (err) {
throw new RESTError(500, `Error attempting to parse fetch response as JSON resource ("${this._uri(resourcePath)}") in "${request.method}" request: ${err.message}`, err);
return Response.empty();
* @override
* @param {DeleteRequest} request - The DELETE request to send to the storage engine.
* @returns {Promise.<Response>} Returns the data objects from storage that were deleted with the request criteria.
async delete(request) {
await super.delete(request);
if (request.metadata.all || (request.metadata.where && Filter.isEmpty(request.metadata.where) === false)) {
let payload = request.toJSON();
let resourcePath = this._getResourcePath(request);
if (!this.config?.model?.header && payload.headers) {
delete payload.headers.model;
if (Object.keys(payload.headers).length === 0) {
delete payload.headers;
if (this.config.omitResource) {
delete payload.from;
//make the request, wrap errors in RESTError
let res = await this._fetch(resourcePath, payload, { method: request.method });
if (res.ok === false) {
throw new RESTError(res.status, `Error from fetched resource ("${this._uri(resourcePath)}") in "${request.method}" request: ${res.statusText}`);
try {
let payload = await res.json();
return new Response(,, payload.affected, payload.returned, res.status);
} catch (err) {
throw new RESTError(500, `Error attempting to parse fetch response as JSON resource ("${this._uri(resourcePath)}") in "${request.method}" request: ${err.message}`, err);
return Response.empty();
* @override
* @param {OptionsRequest} request - The OPTIONS request to send to the storage engine.
* @returns {Promise.<Response>} Returns a response with a single data object- the dynamically created model
* configuration.
async options(request) {
await super.options(request);
let payload = request.toJSON();
let resourcePath = this._getResourcePath(request);
if (!this.config?.model?.header && payload.headers) {
delete payload.headers.model;
if (Object.keys(payload.headers).length === 0) {
delete payload.headers;
//make the request, wrap errors in RESTError
let res = await this._fetch(resourcePath, payload, { method: request.method });
if (res.ok === false) {
throw new RESTError(res.status, `Error from fetched resource ("${this._uri(resourcePath)}") in "${request.method}" request: ${res.statusText}`);
try {
let payload = await res.json();
return new Response(,, payload.affected, payload.returned, res.status);
} catch (err) {
throw new RESTError(500, `Error attempting to parse fetch response as JSON resource ("${this._uri(resourcePath)}") in "${request.method}" request: ${err.message}`, err);
export default FetchEngine;