///<reference path="./modeling/modeling.d.js" />
///<reference path="./filter.d.js" />
* A regular expression to check for a reasonable ISO8601 format date.
* YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm
* YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
* YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD
* YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.s
* YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD
* @see: https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
* @type {RegExp}
const ISO8601Date = /^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d(:\d\d(\.\d+)?)?(([+-]\d\d:\d\d)|Z)?$/i;
const NakedValueTokenTerminator = /\s|\)|\(|\[|\]/;
* The `Filter` represents a conditional expression. That is, a tree of conditions that can be used to filter objects
* and data based on "properties", "operations", and "values" in logical "and" "or" groupings.
class Filter {
* Creates a new `Filter` instance.
* @param {Filter|Filtering.LogicalGroup} [tree] - Create the filter with an existing filter tree object.
constructor(tree) {
* @type {Filtering.LogicalGroup}
this.tree = null;
* @type {Filtering.LogicalGroup}
* @private
this._current = null;
* When enabled (default) the Filter will support dot-notation property names, allowing nested object value
* evaluation. If disabled, dot-notation property names will be treated as the explicit property name.
* This only affects the operation of the `test` function which evaluates objects with filter criteria.
* @type {Boolean}
this.dot = true;
* @type {Filter.LOGIC}
* @ignore
this.LOGIC = Filter.LOGIC;
* @type {Filter.OP}
* @ignore
this.OP = Filter.OP;
//init and validate tree
if (tree) {
let cleanup = (fg) => {
if (fg.logic && fg.filters && Array.isArray(fg.filters)) {
for (let f of fg.filters) {
} else if (fg.field || fg.operator) {
if (fg.field) {
//convert property "field" to "property"
fg.property = fg.field;
delete fg.field;
if (fg.operator) {
//convert property "operator" to "op"
fg.op = fg.operator;
delete fg.operator;
if (typeof fg.property === 'undefined' && typeof fg.op === 'undefined' && typeof fg.logic === 'undefined' && typeof fg.filters === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('Invalid filter tree. Found unexpected object that does not appear to be a condition or filter-group (missing expected properties).');
return fg;
if (tree instanceof Filter) {
this.tree = tree.tree;
} else if (tree.logic) { //tree-like object
tree = this._cloneFilterGroup(tree);
this.tree = cleanup(tree);
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid filter tree. Found unexpected object that does not appear to be a condition or filter-group (missing expected properties).');
* Create a new `Filter` instance and opening with a logical "and" operator.
* @param {String|Filter|Filtering.LogicalGroup|Modeling.PropertyDefinition} property - The property affected by the filter.
* @param {String} [op] - The filter operator.
* @param {*} [value] - The value used by the operator on the property value.
* @returns {Filter}
static and(property, op, value) {
return new Filter().and(property, op, value);
* Create a new `Filter` instance and opening with a logical "or" operator.
* @param {String|Filter|Filtering.LogicalGroup|Modeling.PropertyDefinition} property - The property affected by the filter.
* @param {String} [op] - The filter operator.
* @param {*} [value] - The value used by the operator on the property value.
* @returns {Filter}
static or(property, op, value) {
return new Filter().or(property, op, value);
* Checks if the specified filter is empty (contains no logical conditions) and returns a `true` if empty, `false`
* if not.
* @param {Filter|Filtering.LogicalGroup} filter - The filter to check.
* @returns {Boolean}
static isEmpty(filter) {
if (filter) {
if (filter instanceof Filter) {
return Filter.isEmpty(filter.tree);
} else {
for (let f of filter.filters) {
if (f.property) {
return false;
} else if (f.logic) {
if (Filter.isEmpty(f) === false) {
return false;
return true;
* Walks the tree of the filter and calls the callback for each logical group and condition.
* @param {Filtering.WalkCallback} cb - The callback.
walk(cb) {
let walker = (filter, depth, parent) => {
if (filter instanceof Filter) {
walker(filter.tree, 0, null);
} else {
if (filter && (filter.filters || filter.property || filter.field)) {
cb(filter, depth, parent);
if (filter.filters) {
for (let f of filter.filters) {
walker(f, depth + 1, filter);
* Adds a new condition using a logical "or" operator.
* @param {String|Filter|Filtering.LogicalGroup|Modeling.PropertyDefinition} property - The property affected by the filter.
* @param {String} [op] - The filter operator.
* @param {*} [value] - The value used by the operator on the property value.
* @returns {Filter}
and(property, op, value) {
return this.add(Filter.LOGIC.AND, property, op, value);
* Adds a new condition using a logical "or" operator.
* @param {String|Filter|Filtering.LogicalGroup|Modeling.PropertyDefinition} property - The property affected by the filter.
* @param {String} [op] - The filter operator.
* @param {*} [value] - The value used by the operator on the property value.
* @returns {Filter}
or(property, op, value) {
return this.add(Filter.LOGIC.OR, property, op, value);
* Adds a new condition or filter group to the tree using the given logical operator.
* @param {String} logic - The logical operator.
* @param {String|Filter|Filtering.LogicalGroup|Modeling.PropertyDefinition} property - The property (name)
* evaluated by the filter, an existing Filter, or a tokenizable filter string.
* @param {String} [op] - The filter operator used when the `property` is a property name.
* @param {*} [value] - The value being compared to the evaluated property values using the specified operation.
* @returns {Filter}
add(logic, property, op, value) {
//convert logic aliases
if (logic === '&&') {
logic = Filter.LOGIC.AND;
} else if (logic === '||') {
logic = Filter.LOGIC.OR;
if (!logic) {
throw new Error('The "logic" parameter argument is required.');
} else if (LOGIC_KEYS.indexOf(logic) <= -1) {
throw new Error(`The "logic" parameter argument "${logic}" is invalid or unsupported.`);
} else if (!property) {
throw new Error('The "property" parameter argument is required.');
//ensure there is a tree object && current
if (!this.tree) {
this.tree = this._filterLogicalGroup(logic);
if (!this._current) {
this._current = this.tree;
//check if possibly we have a tokenized string
if (typeof property === 'string' && typeof op === 'undefined' && typeof value === 'undefined') {
let tokenFilter = Filter.parse(property);
if (tokenFilter && Filter.isEmpty(tokenFilter) == false) {
property = tokenFilter;
//add another filter logical group
if (property instanceof Filter) {
if (property.tree) {
property = property.tree;
} else {
return this; //empty filter
if (property.logic && property.filters) { // a filter condition
return this;
} else if (property.target) { //a property definition
property = property.target;
//add a condition
if (this._current.logic === logic) {
this._current.filters.push(this._filterCondition(property, op, value));
} else {
//wrap the current logical group with the new operator, then add the new condition
let lg = this._filterLogicalGroup(this._current.logic);
lg.filters = this._current.filters;
this._current.logic = logic;
this._current.filters = [lg, this._filterCondition(property, op, value)];
return this;
* Creates a new logical group object.
* @param {String} logic - The logical operator.
* @returns {Filtering.LogicalGroup}
* @private
_filterLogicalGroup(logic) {
if (!logic) {
throw new Error('The "logic" parameter argument is required.');
} else if (LOGIC_KEYS.indexOf(logic) <= -1) {
throw new Error(`The "logic" parameter argument "${logic}" is invalid or unsupported.`);
return {
logic: logic,
filters: []
* Creates a new condition object.
* @param {String} property - The property affected by the filter.
* @param {String} [op] - The filter operator.
* @param {*} [value] - The value used by the operator on the property value.
* @returns {Filtering.Condition}
* @private
_filterCondition(property, op, value) {
if (!property) {
throw new Error('The "property" parameter argument is required.');
} else if (!op) {
throw new Error('The "op" parameter argument is required.');
} else if (!op || !op.toUpperCase || OP_MAP.has(op.toUpperCase()) === false) {
throw new Error(`The "op" parameter argument "${op}" is invalid or unsupported.`);
return {
property: property,
op: OP_MAP.get(op.toUpperCase()),
value: value
* Creates a clone of this filter.
* Note: Instance values on filter items are not deep-cloned.
* @returns {Filter}
clone() {
let f = new Filter();
if (this.tree) {
f.tree = this._cloneFilterGroup(this.tree);
return f;
* Makes a copy of the filter group and returns the clone.
* @param {Filtering.LogicalGroup} orig - The group to clone.
* @returns {Filtering.LogicalGroup}
* @private
_cloneFilterGroup(orig) {
let g = this._filterLogicalGroup(orig.logic);
if (orig.filters) {
for (let f of orig.filters) {
if (f.property || f.field) {
g.filters.push(Object.assign({}, f));
} else if (f.logic) {
} else if (typeof f.property === 'undefined' && typeof f.op === 'undefined' && typeof f.logic === 'undefined' && typeof f.filters === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('Invalid filter tree. Found unexpected object that does not appear to be a condition or filter-group (missing expected properties).');
return g;
* Tests the filter criteria against the specified object(s). If any object fails a filter, or no objects are
* specified, a `false` value is returned. If all objects pass the filters, a `true` value is returned.
* @param {...Model} models - The objects to test the filter against.
* @returns {Boolean}
test(...objects) {
if (objects && objects.length) {
if (this.tree && Filter.isEmpty(this) === false && Array.isArray(this.tree.filters) && this.tree.filters.length) {
for (let x = objects.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
if (this._evaluateCriteria(this.tree, objects[x]) === false) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
* Checks if the given model matches the given filter group criteria.
* @param {Filtering.LogicalGroup|Filtering.Condition} conditionOrGroup - The filter criteria to check.
* @param {Model} model - The model to evaluate.
* @returns {Boolean}
* @private
_evaluateCriteria(conditionOrGroup, model) {
if (conditionOrGroup.logic && conditionOrGroup.filters && Array.isArray(conditionOrGroup.filters)) {
let group = conditionOrGroup;
let result = (group.logic === Filter.LOGIC.AND);
if (group.logic === Filter.LOGIC.OR) {
for (let f of group.filters) {
result |= this._evaluateCriteria(f, model);
} else if (group.logic === Filter.LOGIC.AND) {
for (let f of group.filters) {
result &= this._evaluateCriteria(f, model);
return !!result;
} else if (conditionOrGroup.property && conditionOrGroup.op) {
let condition = conditionOrGroup;
let modelValue = null;
if (this.dot && condition.property.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
modelValue = condition.property.split('.').reduce((o, i) => o[i], model);
} else {
modelValue = model[condition.property];
switch (condition.op) {
case Filter.OP.NOTEQUALS:
return modelValue != condition.value;
case Filter.OP.ISNULL:
return modelValue === null;
case Filter.OP.ISNOTNULL:
return modelValue !== null;
case Filter.OP.LESSTHAN:
return modelValue < condition.value;
return modelValue <= condition.value;
return modelValue > condition.value;
return modelValue >= condition.value;
case Filter.OP.STARTSWITH: {
let a = modelValue ? modelValue.toString() : '';
let b = condition.value ? condition.value.toString() : '';
return a.startsWith(b);
case Filter.OP.ENDSWITH: {
let a = modelValue ? modelValue.toString() : '';
let b = condition.value ? condition.value.toString() : '';
return a.endsWith(b);
case Filter.OP.CONTAINS: {
let a = modelValue ? modelValue.toString() : '';
let b = condition.value ? condition.value.toString() : '';
return (a.indexOf(b) > -1);
let a = modelValue ? modelValue.toString() : '';
let b = condition.value ? condition.value.toString() : '';
return (a.indexOf(b) < 0);
case Filter.OP.ISEMPTY:
return typeof modelValue === 'undefined'
|| modelValue === null
|| modelValue === '';
case Filter.OP.ISNOTEMPTY:
return typeof modelValue !== 'undefined'
&& modelValue != null
&& modelValue !== '';
case Filter.OP.IN:
if (Array.isArray(condition.value) || typeof condition.value === 'string') {
return condition.value.indexOf(modelValue) > -1;
} else {
return false;
case Filter.OP.NOTIN:
if (Array.isArray(condition.value) || typeof condition.value === 'string') {
return condition.value.indexOf(modelValue) < 0;
} else {
return true;
default: //eq
return modelValue === condition.value;
* Converts the filter to a readable string.
* @param {Filtering.LogicalGroup|Filtering.Condition} [fg] - Optional filter condition or filter group to convert to a string.
* @returns {String}
toString(fg) {
let s = null;
if (fg) {
if (fg.logic) {
if (fg.filters) {
if (fg !== this.tree) {
s = '(';
} else {
s = '';
for (let x = 0; x < fg.filters.length; x++) {
s += this.toString(fg.filters[x]);
if (fg.filters.length > 1 && x < fg.filters.length - 1) {
s += ` ${fg.logic.toUpperCase()} `;
if (fg !== this.tree) {
s += ')';
} else if (fg.property && fg.op) {
if (fg.op === Filter.OP.ISNULL
|| fg.op === Filter.OP.ISNOTNULL
|| fg.op === Filter.OP.ISEMPTY
|| fg.op === Filter.OP.ISNOTEMPTY) {
s = `{${fg.property}} ${fg.op.toUpperCase()}`;
} else {
let strValue = null;
if (Array.isArray(fg.value)) {
strValue = '[' + fg.value.map(v => {
if (typeof v === 'string') {
return `"${v}"`;
} else if (v === null) {
return 'null';
} else if (typeof v === 'undefined') {
return 'undefined';
} else if (v instanceof Date) {
return `"${v.toISOString()}"`;
} else {
return v.toString();
}).join(',') + ']';
} else if (typeof fg.value === 'string') {
strValue = `"${fg.value}"`;
} else if (fg.value === null) {
strValue = 'null';
} else if (typeof fg.value === 'undefined') {
strValue = 'undefined';
} else if (fg.value instanceof Date) {
strValue = `"${fg.value.toISOString()}"`;
} else {
strValue = fg.value.toString();
s = `{${fg.property}} ${fg.op.toUpperCase()} ${strValue}`;
} else {
s = this.toString(this.tree);
return s;
* Returns the tree object to be utilized for stringifying into JSON.
* @returns {Filtering.LogicalGroup}
toJSON() {
return this.tree;
* Creates a new `Filter` instance using the object containing a filter tree.
* @param {Filtering.LogicalGroup} obj - The filter tree object.
* @returns {Filter}
static fromObject(obj) {
return new Filter(obj);
* Converts a string template literal with expressions into an quote-escaped filter string. All string expressions
* in the template literal are escaped.
* Note that other characters are still allowed.
* @example
* ```js
* let fn = 'john';
* let ln = 'jane"\'\'';
* let x = Filter.tmpl`{FirstName} EQ "${fn}" OR {LastName} CONTAINS "${ln}"`;
* console.log(x);
* //"{FirstName} EQ "john" OR {LastName} CONTAINS "jane\"\'\'""
* ```
* @param {Array.<String>} inputs - The template strings
* @param {...any} exp - Expressions in the string
* @returns {String}
static tmpl(inputs, ...exp) {
let output = '';
let expCounter = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
output += inputs[i];
if (expCounter < exp.length) {
let value = exp[expCounter];
let vType = typeof value;
if (vType !== 'string') {
if (vType === 'undefined') {
value = 'undefined';
} else if (value === null) {
value = 'null';
} else {
value = value.toString(); //get resulting expression string value, don't care what.
output += value.replaceAll('"', '\\"').replaceAll('\'', '\\\'');
return output;
* Recursive function that parses each "group" it finds into a new `Filter` instance.
* @throws SyntaxError if the string is unparsable.
* @param {String|Array.<ParserToken>} input - The input string to parse into a new `Filter` instance.
* @returns {Filter} Returns a `Filter` instance when an input is given. If the input is `null` then `null`
* is returned.
static parse(input) {
if (input) {
let tokens;
if (typeof input === 'string') {
tokens = Filter._tokenize(input);
} else if (Array.isArray(input)) {
tokens = input;
} else {
throw new SyntaxError('Invalid "input" argument. Input must be a string or array of tokens.');
let f = new Filter();
//look-ahead for group-logic
let groupDepth = 0;
let groupLogic = Filter.LOGIC.AND;
for (let gei = 0; gei < tokens.length; gei++) {
if (tokens[gei].type === 'group-start') {
} else if (groupDepth > 0 && tokens[gei].type === 'group-end') {
} else if (groupDepth === 0 && tokens[gei].type === 'group-logic') {
groupLogic = tokens[gei].value;
for (let ti = 0; ti < tokens.length; ti++) {
let t = tokens[ti];
if (t.type === 'group-start') {
//find ending token index for the group, and determine logic
let endingTokenIndex = -1;
let groupDepth = 0;
for (let gei = ti + 1; gei < tokens.length; gei++) {
if (tokens[gei].type === 'group-start') {
} else if (groupDepth > 0 && tokens[gei].type === 'group-end') {
} else if (groupDepth === 0 && tokens[gei].type === 'group-end') {
endingTokenIndex = gei;
//create new group
let tokensInGroup = tokens.slice(ti + 1, endingTokenIndex);
if (tokensInGroup && tokensInGroup.length) {
let fg = this.parse(tokensInGroup);
f.add(groupLogic, fg);
//move to after the group to process next
ti = endingTokenIndex;
} else if (t.type === 'condition-property') {
//look-ahead and get the op and optional value.
let tOp = tokens[ti + 1];
let tValue;
if (ti + 2 < tokens.length && tokens[ti + 2].type === 'condition-value') {
tValue = tokens[ti + 2];
f.add(groupLogic, t.value, tOp.value, Filter._parseValueString(tValue?.value));
return f;
return null;
* @typedef ParserToken
* @property {String} type
* @property {Number} startIndex
* @property {Number} endIndex
* @property {String} [value]
* Scans the input string starting at the given index to determine the logic for a group.
* @param {String} input - The input string to parse into an array of tokens.
* @returns {Array.<ParserToken>}
* @private
static _tokenize(input) {
let tokens = [];
let openToken = null;
let isLogicalOr = /^OR|\|\|/i;
let isLogicalAnd = /^AND/i;
let isLogicalAndAlt = /^&&/i;
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
let newToken = null;
if (openToken && openToken.type === 'condition-value') { //parsing a value
if (!openToken.endIndex
&& (
(openToken.style === 'double-quoted' && input[i - 1] !== '\\' && input[i] === '"')
|| (openToken.style === 'single-quoted' && input[i - 1] !== '\\' && input[i] === '\'')
|| (openToken.style === 'array' && input[i - 1] !== '\\' && input[i] === ']')
)) {
openToken.value += input[i]; //we include the quote (parsed out later)
openToken.endIndex = i + 1;
openToken = null;
} else if (!openToken.endIndex && openToken.style === 'naked' && NakedValueTokenTerminator.test(input[i])) {
openToken.endIndex = i;
openToken = null;
i--; //need to walk back (-1) on this after closing as it may be a actionable char
} else if (!openToken.endIndex && openToken.style === 'naked' && input[i - 1] !== '\\' && input[i] === '"') {
throw new SyntaxError(`Failed to tokenize filter string, a conditional value at position ${openToken.startIndex} found a closing double-quote, but the value was not opened with one.`);
} else if (!openToken.endIndex && openToken.style === 'naked' && input[i - 1] !== '\\' && input[i] === '\'') {
throw new SyntaxError(`Failed to tokenize filter string, a conditional value at position ${openToken.startIndex} found a closing single-quote, but the value was not opened with one.`);
} else {
openToken.value += input[i];
} else if (openToken && openToken.type === 'condition-property') { //parsing a property name
if (!openToken.endIndex && input[i] === '}') {
openToken.endIndex = i + 1;
openToken = null;
} else {
openToken.value = (openToken.value ?? '') + input[i];
} else if (input[i] === '(') { //new group detected
newToken = {
type: 'group-start',
startIndex: i,
endIndex: i + 1
} else if (input[i] === ')') { //new group detected
newToken = {
type: 'group-end',
startIndex: i,
endIndex: i + 1
} else if (input[i] === '{') {
newToken = {
type: 'condition-property',
startIndex: i
openToken = newToken; //token is open for more information
} else if (isLogicalOr.test(input.substr(i, 2))) {
newToken = {
type: 'group-logic',
startIndex: i,
endIndex: i + 2,
value: Filter.LOGIC.OR
i += 1;
} else if (isLogicalAnd.test(input.substr(i, 3))) {
newToken = {
type: 'group-logic',
startIndex: i,
endIndex: i + 3,
value: Filter.LOGIC.AND
i += 2;
} else if (isLogicalAndAlt.test(input.substr(i, 2))) {
newToken = {
type: 'group-logic',
startIndex: i,
endIndex: i + 2,
value: Filter.LOGIC.AND
i += 1;
} else {
if (tokens.length && tokens[tokens.length - 1].type === 'condition-property') { //check for matching operator only if preceding was a conditional-property
for (let [token, op] of OP_MAP) {
if (input.substring(i, i + token.length).toUpperCase() === token) {
newToken = {
type: 'condition-op',
startIndex: i,
endIndex: i + token.length,
value: op
i += token.length - 1;
if (!newToken && /\s/.test(input[i]) === false) { //check for a possible value starting
//values should only be declared if the last token was a condition-op, validate this immediately.
if (tokens.length && tokens[tokens.length - 1].type !== 'condition-op') {
throw new SyntaxError(`Failed to tokenize filter string, an invalid or unexpected value was found at position ${i}.`);
newToken = {
type: 'condition-value',
startIndex: i,
value: input[i],
style: 'naked'
if (input[i - 1] !== '\\') { //ignore escaped values
if (input[i] === '"') {
newToken.style = 'double-quoted';
} else if (input[i] === '\'') {
newToken.style = 'single-quoted';
} else if (input[i] === '[') {
newToken.style = 'array';
openToken = newToken; //token is open for more information
//push new token to array
if (newToken) {
//ensure no open token
if (openToken) {
if (openToken.type === 'condition-property') {
throw new SyntaxError(`Failed to tokenize filter string, a conditional property at position ${openToken.startIndex} was not closed properly, expected matching square brackets "[" and "]".`);
} else if (openToken.type === 'condition-value' && openToken.style === 'double-quoted') {
throw new SyntaxError(`Failed to tokenize filter string, a conditional value at position ${openToken.startIndex} was not closed properly, a closing double-quote was not found.`);
} else if (openToken.type === 'condition-value' && openToken.style === 'single-quoted') {
throw new SyntaxError(`Failed to tokenize filter string, a conditional value token at position ${openToken.startIndex} was not closed properly, a closing single-quote was not found.`);
//ensure all groups are terminated
let groupStartCount = tokens.reduce((p, c) => c.type === 'group-start' ? p + 1 : p + 0, 0);
let groupEndCount = tokens.reduce((p, c) => c.type === 'group-end' ? p + 1 : p + 0, 0);
if (groupStartCount !== groupEndCount) {
throw new SyntaxError('Failed to tokenize filter string, there are one or more mismatches between the opening and closing group parenthesis "(" and ")".');
//ensure all condition properties are followed by appropriate tokens
for (let ti = 0; ti < tokens.length; ti++) {
let t = tokens[ti];
if (t.type === 'condition-property') { //check followed by condition-op
if (ti === tokens.length - 1 || (ti < tokens.length - 1 && tokens[ti + 1].type !== 'condition-op')) {
throw new SyntaxError(`Failed to tokenize filter string, a conditional property at position ${t.startIndex} was not followed by a conditional operator.`);
return tokens;
* Parses a singlular supported string representation of a value into a typed value, either a Number, String,
* Date (from ISO8601, full), Boolean, or Array of those values. This method will remove outermost double or
* single quotes if found on a String value.
* @throws SyntaxError if there is an outermost starting or ending single or double quote without the opposite.
* @param {String} value - the value to be parsed.
* @returns {Number|String|Date|Boolean|Array}
* @private
static _parseValueString(value) {
if (value && typeof value === 'string') {
if (/^-?\d*(\.\d+)?$/.test(value)) {
let tryValue = parseFloat(value);
if (isNaN(tryValue) === false) {
return tryValue;
} else if (/^true$/i.test(value)) {
return true;
} else if (/^false$/i.test(value)) {
return false;
} else if (/^null$/i.test(value)) {
return null;
} else if (/^undefined$/i.test(value)) {
return undefined;
} else if (ISO8601Date.test(value)) {
return new Date(value);
} else if (/^(""|'')$/.test(value)) { //empty string
return '';
} else if (/^".*[^\\]"$/.test(value)) {
return value.substring(1, value.length - 1).replace(/\\"/g, '"');
} else if (/^'.*[^\\]'$/.test(value)) {
return value.substring(1, value.length - 1).replace(/\\'/g, '\'');
} else if (/^".*([^"]|\\")$/.test(value) || /^([^"]|\\").*[^\\]"$/.test(value)) {
throw new SyntaxError(`Error parsing filter value "${value}", unterminated double-quoted value.`);
} else if (/^'.*([^']|\\')$/.test(value) || /^([^']|\\').*[^\\]'$/.test(value)) {
throw new SyntaxError(`Error parsing filter value "${value}", unterminated single-quoted value.`);
} else if (/^\[.*\]$/.test(value)) {
let extract = [];
let isDoubleQuoted = false;
let isSingleQuoted = false;
for (let i = 1; i < value.length - 1; i++) {
let append = false;
if (isDoubleQuoted === false && isSingleQuoted === false && value[i] === ',') {
if (extract.length === 0) {
extract.push(null); //blank first item, set a null
extract.push(null); //create a space for the new item
} else if (value[i - 1] !== '\\' && value[i] === '"') {
isDoubleQuoted = !isDoubleQuoted;
append = true;
} else if (value[i - 1] !== '\\' && value[i] === '\'') {
isSingleQuoted = !isSingleQuoted;
append = true;
} else if (/\s/.test(value[i]) === false || extract[extract.length - 1]) {
append = true;
if (append) {
if (extract.length === 0) {
} else {
extract[extract.length - 1] = (extract[extract.length - 1] ?? '') + value[i];
//now parse each extracted array value
for (let i = 0; i < extract.length; i++) {
extract[i] = Filter._parseValueString(extract[i]);
return extract;
return value;
* @readonly
Filter.LOGIC = {
AND: 'and',
OR: 'or'
* Array of valid logic strings.
* @type {Array.<String>}
const LOGIC_KEYS = Object.keys(Filter.LOGIC).map(k => Filter.LOGIC[k]);
* @readonly
Filter.OP = {
EQUALS: 'eq',
ISNULL: 'isnull',
ISNOTNULL: 'isnotnull',
STARTSWITH: 'startswith',
ENDSWITH: 'endswith',
CONTAINS: 'contains',
DOESNOTCONTAIN: 'doesnotcontain',
ISEMPTY: 'isempty',
ISNOTEMPTY: 'isnotempty',
IN: 'in',
NOTIN: 'nin'
* Mapping of all operations plus additionally supported shortcut tokens (such as ">", "<", "==", "!=", etc.) as keys
* with their supported underlying operation (value).
* This is sorted in order of longest token to shortest which helps tokenization grab the longest matching token first.
* @type {Map.<String, String>}
const OP_MAP = new Map(
.concat(Array.from(Object.entries(Filter.OP).map(v => [v[1].toUpperCase(), v[1]])))
['>', Filter.OP.GREATERTHAN],
['<', Filter.OP.LESSTHAN],
['==', Filter.OP.EQUALS],
['!=', Filter.OP.NOTEQUALS],
['~~', Filter.OP.CONTAINS],
['!~~', Filter.OP.DOESNOTCONTAIN],
.sort((a, b) => b[0].length - a[0].length)
export default Filter;