


Tutorial: Using the Fetch Engine

Coming Soon

    Determines whether the fetch request to the HTTP endpoint will forward the model header when STASHKU_MODEL_HEADER is enabled. By default this is disabled and the header model property will not be sent. Setting this flag to true will forward the model header of the StashKu request.

    JavaScript Example

    new StashKu({
        fetch: { 
            model: { header: false } } 

    Shell/Environment Example

    Instructs StashKu which property from the $stashku object on a model type to populate the resource (to or from) on a request. Can be "name", "slug", "plural.name", "plural.slug", or "resource" (default).

    This requires that the STASHKU_MODEL_HEADER setting is true, or that you manually pass the appropriate model header object in requests to the fetch engine. If the appropriate property is not found in the header, the request's resource (to/from) is used instead.

    JavaScript Example

    new StashKu({
        fetch: { 
            model: { pathProperty: 'plural.slug' } }

    Shell/Environment Example